Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Jane Austen

For centuries there has been a constant rivalry between genders in our society. Mythology, being no exception, may very well endeavour home been the birthplace or origin of this animosity. Take for example, the Goddess genus Athene and the sea God Poseidon. Although they two sided with each other in the trojan horse War, the two of them seemed to be total opposites when it came to dealings with the everyday lives of mortals in Grecian mythology. According to almost sources of Greek mythology, genus Athene is surpass known as the Goddess of Wisdom. Unlike most gods, she had no retire affairs and remained a virgin. Instead of love, genus Athene delighted in war and was usually depicted in bountiful competitiveness dress, with a helmet and spear. She was born from the head of Zeus, the pattern of the Gods, and was said to be his favorite daughter. It has also been said that when Athena made her start appearance on Mt. Olympus, all character responded to her, the backgr ound shake and the seas rose in huge waves, [while] the cosmea stood still to recognise the new goddess (Cavendish/encyclo 171). Athena was most prominently known as the protector of heroes during battle. Many mortals distinguished her fighting(a) role as an intermediary with others, which is what made Athena so popular among the Greek people. Poseidon, on the other hand, was known as the God of the sea.
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He is depicted with fierce blue look [that] pierced the haze, andsea-blue pilus [that] streamed out behind him (Stewart). Poseidon was more wide known for both his violent temper and his tendency to live long grudges. He was a moody and violent God! , who could govern at volition the power of tempests, sending great waves to chew out against the rocky shores of Greece (Gibson 29). At times, he sluice drove his three-pronged trident into the earth to create colossal earthquakes. For this reason, along with several others, Poseidon was not as popular as Athena and frankly, was quite often feared by the mortals. Ancient sailors were even driven to prayer and sacrificial...If you want to give way a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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