Saturday, September 7, 2013

Criminal Justice

Running Head : CRIMINAL JUSTICE (name (university (professor (subject (dateAbstract truth enforcers atomic figure of speech 18 judge to perform with utmost diligence because the guard duty of people s lives and properties be depended on them . Also independence of greets essential be keep as it is the cornerstone of every nations fairness . The corrections incision must also see to it that convicts argon properly provided with programs that would go along the last mentioned from becoming recidivists . These are altogether some of the heterogeneous duties and responsibilities of the three commencementes of juridic arrangement . The duties and responsibilities requires special focus and expertness and should not be mix or concentrated to only one branch or divisionBasic is the rule in brass section that one depart ment cannot control or act as an administrator , bench and correction at the same metre . If the contrary happens , it get out surely publication into biases in decisions , disgust of powers and will travel the quality of performance of the tasks . each(prenominal) branch in the fell justice system has its own mapping and specialty Each have broad responsibilities and are accountable to the public if particular(prenominal) functions and duties are not performed properly . Contradictions or biases will result if the three branches will be consolidated . A exclusive branch tasked to performs an executive function of find the arrest of an connote should not perform the subsequent judicial function of convicting or acquitting the criminate . Clearly , in to parry embarrassment and unfitness issues , a department will not contradict its old execution of arrest in its subsequent decision as a judiciary .

This grammatical case would hold impartially in the subsequent judicial decision which is clear negative to the rights of the accused and affects the quality of work and decision makingLaw enforcement are the mien liners of the criminal justice system earlier an accused faces footrace and correction as the case may be , the repay enforcers must first capture and detain the verbalise accused . Law enforcers must properly determine if a abuse has been committed and the probability of guilt of the accused . Before a person is held for trial several stages and processes are conducted by the law enforcers . The bulk of their function mainly focuses on an executive disposition as they are the ones who determines the probability of commission of a hatred and the execution of subsequent arrest of the suspects . The safety and tribute of the ecumenic publics property and lives are relied on the law enforcement (U .S . division , 2007 , n .p . Law enforcers duty is to capture and arrest law ledgeman or at least give the latter a warning (U .S . Department , 2007 , n .p . They work in a very stressful and dangerous environment as they are the ones who confront and pursue criminals in the streets (U .S . Department , 2007 , n .p . Law enforcers of different ranks may be requested by the court to testify in a particular case in which they are involved and in connection with his /her function . As such...If you want to get a full essay, holy send it on our website:

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